a) Target population: Entries in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia.
b) Sample frame: Fifty subjects chosen on a broad range of scientific disciplines.
c) Sample Unit: Entries from Wikipedia and Encyclopedia
d) Observation Unit: 42 sets of usable or inaccuracy of responses returned
e) Selection bias: This can come from the initial perception that the online encyclopedia Wikipedia can be written by anyone with internet access. This will usually create a level of bias for and against some contents and will cause inaccuracy in the tallies of number of errors.
Step-by-step explanation:
a) The interest is the entries in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. The become the target content for the study. Hence, the target population.
b) The sample frame is the list of content need to access the accuracy of the content posted on the platform of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. Thus, the fifty subject chosen are the sample frame. That is, the frame of study contents.
c) The sample units constitute the entries coming in from the fifty chosen contents.
d) The observe 42 sets eventually.
e) The selection bias are human bias inherent in the study or content selection.