The Declaration of Independence cites specific reasons for separating from British rule,including the British imposing taxes and maintaining a standing army without consent.Which of the following principles or ideas would these grievances be most related to?
A) Natural rights such as life, liberty, and property
B) The authority to create a centralized military among the colonies
C) The incorporation of checks and balances among the branches of government
D) Concurrent powers allowing the colonies to draft their own laws

Respuesta :


A) Natural rights such as life, liberty, and property


When the British imposed taxes on the colonies without consent, they were infringing the natural right to private property. Because a tax is a extraction of privately earned and owned resources, doing so without consent is infringing this right.

When the British maintained a standing army without consent they were infringing the natural right to liberty because soldiers could not decide to leave, and the right to life because soldiers could get killed.