Classify the following data. Indicate whether the data is qualitative or quantitative, indicate whether the data is discrete, continuous, or neither, and indicate the level of measurement for the data.

The number of days traveled last month by 100100 randomly selected employees.

Are these data qualitative or quantitative?
A. Qualitative
B. Quantitative

Are these data discrete or continuous?

A. Discrete
B. Continuous
C. Neither

What is the highest level of measurement the data possesses?

A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Interval
D. Ratio"

Respuesta :





Step-by-step explanation:

The number of days traveled is a quantitative variable because number of days traveled can be expressed by meaningful numerical quantities.

Also, the number of days traveled is a discrete variable. The reason is that the number of days traveled are countable.

The level of measurement of data of number days traveled possesses is ratio level of measurement. The reason is that the number of days traveled have meaningful zero and capable of meaningful mathematical operation. It means that if for an employee number of days traveled is zero, then the employee didn't traveled.