A 163 square-kilometer (km2) small island is found 2,000km from the mainland. A second, larger, 230,000km2 island is found 1,000km from the mainland. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following statements is most likely true about the small island when compared with the large island?

Respuesta :


A. The rate of immigration is lower for the small island than for the large island.

Step-by-step explanation:

The equilibrium model of island biogeography explained the variation in number of species by influence of proximity and size on the rate of immigration and extinction.

The model explains that the farther an island is from the mainland (source of colonists), the fewer species it tends to have (i.e. increasing isolation of an island decreases immigration rate but increase extinction rate). While on the other hand, the model explains higher rate of immigration for island closer to the mainland (source of colonists) and the larger the island is, the lesser the likelihood of extinction (i.e. increasing size of an island decreases extinction but increases immigration).

Universidad de Mexico