What does Scout find in one of the trees at the edge of the Radley lot? Several days later, she and Jem find something else in the tree. What do they find? What do they decide to do with these items?

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Scout found chewing gums in one of the knothole in the tree.

Later, she and Jem found another box which contains two Indian coins.

They decided to wait till school starts and then ask around for the real owner.


Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird" deals with the themes of racial discrimination, and also with the loss of innocence and the civil rights issues in Maycomb, Alabama. Through the characterization of the Finches and especially giving the narrative voice to the youngest character, Jean Louis "Scout" Finch, Lee explores the themes of these issues through the lens of a young person, an innocent and naive person.

In Chapter IV, Scout tells us that she had found a secret knothole at the edge of the Radley's property. In this knot-hole, she first found "two pieces of chewing gum minus their outer wrappers......... Wrigley’s Double-Mint". But she was caught by her brother Jem and made to spit it out.

Some days later, she and Jem did find another tin foil wrapper which contained "a small box patch worked with bits of tinfoil  collected from chewing-gum wrappers...... [with] two  scrubbed and polished pennies, one on top of the other".

They decided to keep it safe and find the owner of the coins, for they are "are important to somebody".