Patsy possesses twenty-four acres of remote, rugged land. Patsy has the right to use the property, in¬cluding extracting silver from an existing mine, for life. Patsy also has the right to lease the land for a period not to exceed her life. Patsy's ownership interest is

a. a fee simple absolute.
b. a leasehold estate.
c. a life estate.
d. the power of eminent domain.

Respuesta :


C. life estate


A life estate is an estate interest in land that lasts for the life time of the life tenant. The holder of a life estate has a full right to possess the property during their life. A life estate is restrictive in that it prevents the beneficiary from selling the property that produces the income before the beneficiary's death. But the estate cannot continue beyond the life of the beneficiary.  A major benefit of a life estate deed is that it can be used to pass property upon the life tenant's death without it being part of the life tenant’s estate.  

Universidad de Mexico