The process of choosing a urinal in a men's restroom may seem simple, but there is an underlying, implicit protocol that has actually been studied. One researcher found that the unspoken rule was to always ensure a "buffer zone" of at least one "open" urinal between yourself and another person. Being an intrepid sociologist, you have decided to see what happens when this norm is breached. In doing so, you are practicing________.

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Ethnomethodology: In sociology, the concept of ethnomethodology was introduced by Harold Garfinkel, and is defined as one of the perspectives that aim at knowing various ways through which different people make sense out of things in their day-to-day lives. In ethnomethodology, people are considered as rational actors who implements practical reasoning instead of formal logic to make judgments, sense and to function in a particular society.

In the question above, by doing the way written in the statement you are practicing ethnomethodology.