Respuesta :
el hombre -> los hombres
el turista -> los turistas
la profesora -> las profesoras
el conductor -> los conductores
el estudiante -> los estudiantes
la mujer-> las mujeres
un autobús -> unos autobuses
un estudiante -> unos estudiantes
la comunidad -> las comunidades
una lección -> unas lecciones
The noun is the word we use to name objects, people, countries, etc. Like the articles, they have gender (feminine or masculine), and number (singular or plural). These characteristics must always coincide with those of the article.
To classify the noun we take into account the number (one or more than one).
In other words, the singular class is an element.
The plural, on the other hand, is distinguished by the presence of more than one element.
1) Words ending in a vowel -A, -E, -O; "-S" must be added.
la copa: las copas
el tigre: los tigres
el libro: los libros
2) Words that end in consonant, should be added "-ES".
el pantalón: los pantalones
el árbol: los árboles
el rey: los reyes
la pared: las paredes
el comedor: los comedores
3) Nouns ending in -S or -X have a special treatment. If the word is acute (strongly in the last sylla-ble) the plural is formed by adding "-ES".
el anís: los anises
Words that end -S or -X and are not acute, remain unchanged to form the plural, that is, they remain the same, only the article will indicate the number.
el paréntesis: los paréntesis
el tórax: los tórax
4) Words ending in -Z change to –CES.
la nariz: las narices
5) Some nouns that only allow the singular form.
el oeste
la salud
6) Some nouns that only admit the plural form.
las vacaciones
los honorarios
7) Ambiguous nouns can be said in either genre as both are considered correct. The choice of gender is the full decision of the speaker.
They have no plural
1) Non-accounting nouns that designate matters or substances.
el hielo
2) Abstract names.
el hambre
3) Collective names
el público