Today the nomination and confirmation process of judges to the Federal Appeals Court and the Supreme Court has become so politicized that the only solution is to elect these judges. 1. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement. As you answer this question, you need to explain the powers and functions of these two courts, and why they have become so politicized (for instance, a good answer would address - among other issues - the controversy over judicial activism and judicial restraint.)2. Drawing on both the lecture and the text for specific examples, explain how the domestic political process so often interferes with the development of a coherent U.S. foreign policy? Why is this the case? What factors and ideologies present obstacles? Who makes foreign policy?3. The Constitution makes no reference to a bureaucracy, and yet presidents have been generally powerless at their efforts to reform the structure and operation of this "fourth branch of government." Why?4. The Founding Fathers put the Congress as Article 1 in the Constitution for a reason: they believed it to be the most important. Drawing on both the lectures and readings for specific examples, explain why we see in America today the decline of Congress and the rise of the Presidency in political influence and power? What factors have contributed to this increased power of the Presidency?5. Compare and contrast the functions and tactics of political parties and interest groups in America today. Do they both serve the same functions? Do they have different roles? Why is it that political parties seem to be on the decline while the numbers and membership of interest groups increase? What does this decline of the former and increase of the latter say about the state of American politics today?

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Today the nomination and confirmation process of judges to the Federal Appeals Court and the Supreme Court has become so politicized that the only solution is to elect these judges. 1. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement. As you answer this question, you need to explain the powers and functions of these two courts, and why they have become so politicized (for instance, a good answer would address - among other issues - the controversy over judicial activism and judicial restraint.)2. Drawing on both the lecture and the text for specific examples, explain how the domestic political process so often interferes with the development of a coherent U.S. foreign policy? Why is this the case? What factors and ideologies present obstacles? Who makes foreign policy?3. The Constitution makes no reference to a bureaucracy, and yet presidents have been generally powerless at their efforts to reform the structure and operation of this "fourth branch of government." Why?4. The Founding Fathers put the Congress as Article 1 in the Constitution for a reason: they believed it to be the most important. Drawing on both the lectures and readings for specific examples, explain why we see in America today the decline of Congress and the rise of the Presidency in political influence and power? What factors have contributed to this increased power of the Presidency?5. Compare and contrast the functions and tactics of political parties and interest groups in America today. Do they both serve the same functions? Do they have different roles? Why is it that political parties seem to be on the decline while the numbers and membership of interest groups increase? What does this decline of the former and increase of the latter say about the state of American politics today?