Me llamo Miguel. Tengo un hermano gemelo, Mateo. Mi hermano y yo estudiamos en la misma universidad. Somos altos, morenos y simpáticos, pero nuestra madre dice que Mateo es más responsable. ¡No es verdad! Cuando yo camino a mis clases, los amigos de Mateo quieren conversar conmigo. Sus amigos son simpáticos, ¡pero no me gusta llegar tarde a clase! Y tú, ¿tienes problemas con tus hermanos?
First of all, I'll provide the translation of this paragraph.
My name is Miguel. I have a twin brother, Mateo. My brother and I study at the same university. We are tall, dark and friendly, but our mother says that Mateo is more responsible. It's not true! When I walk to my classes, Mateo's friends want to talk with me. His friends are nice, but I don't like to be late for class! What about you? Do you have problems with your brothers?
The task of this exercise is to practice Possessive Adjectives. Possessive Adjectives indicates who or what possesses something. To be used correctly, these adjectives, like any adjective, have to agree on gender and number with its noun.