Following are the program in c++ langauge
using namespace std; // namespace
int main() // main function()
int n1; // variable declaration
cout<<"Enter the number between 20 and 98 :";
cin>>n1;// Read the value by user
cout<<" The output is given :93 92 90 89 88
Read the value by user in the n1 variable of int type" ;
if(n1 < 20 || n1 > 98) // checking the condition
cout<<" input must be between the 20-98";
cout<<n1; // display the value of n1
while(n1 % 11 != 0) // itearting over the loop
n1 = n1 - 1; // decrement the value of n1 by 1
cout<<" "<< n1; // didplay the n1
Enter the number between 20 and 98 :93
The output is given :93 92 90 89 88
Following are the description of the program