Respuesta :


The culture of Arabian people restricted the freedom of the women in the Arabian peninsula. It also subjected the women to many events of discrimination.


The freedom and actions of Arabian women were deeply rooted in their culture and religion. It is said that in the advent of Islam, Arabian women didn't have any legal status. They were also being sold for marriage and didn't own any properties. There were also incidents relating to the burial of the female infants (alive). This was because the family held unto a belief that female off springs were bad luck, especially when it comes to financial or economical reasons.

However, everything changed in 2017 when King Salman ordered that women should be given the right to access education as well as healthcare. This means that they will no longer need any consent from their guardians. They were also given the freedom to drive vehicles.

The correct statement regarding Arabic culture was of the beliefs that the women cannot be given the rights of freedom and cannot get the access to the outer world.

The women in the Middle-Eastern countries and other Islamic countries were not given the rights to lead a normal life and strictly obey the rules as portrayed under the law.

Arabian Culture.

  • Arab's women were allowed to wear only Hijab while stepping out of the house and had no rights to own any house properties as per the Mohammedan Law.

  • Women were either being racketed for marriages at a very tender age, or marriages were done by taking dowries without the unanimous consent of the women.

Hence, the impact of the Arabian Culture on the women was that the growth and Arabian society became an overall a backward society.

Learn more about Arabian Culture here: