Provide assistance to state- people in poverty
Provide relief for drought- farmers
Provide funding to rescue financial- bankers
Provide funds for local public workers- skilled laborers
1. Hoover expanded tax cut
2. Banks failed because of their lack of cash reserves
3. Hoover told American workers to work harder.
Hoover told business leaders that the crash was not a cause for concern
4. The group bid pennies
6. Unemployment in cities was high
7. Farmers overused the land
8. Farming- overproduction of crops
Environmental- drought
Economic- government stopped buying surplus
9. California has a long growing season and many crops
10. Trade partners raided the tariffs
12. A New Democratic voting bloc of minorities
13. Tennessee valley authority
14. It led to unemployment for sharecroppers.
It caused the government to waste food
15. The NRA set minimum wages
16. To prevent the conditions from that led to dust storms
17. New deal policies
The cost of new deal
Roosevelt tried to cut spending
A second recession hit
18. Roosevelt was overreaching his executive power
19. The government funded photojournalist and writers
20. News of migrants during the dust storms
21. He became convinced that government spending would create jobs
22. She fought for the rights of African Americans,women, and the poor.
23. Many new deal employment programs did not welcome women or