Answer:Hela cells represent cells of a cervical cancer used in several medical research to proffer solution to cloning,IVF, chemotherapy etc
Henrietta lackies died of cervical cancer and her cells ( which never stop growing or duplicating even at death,because of the malignancy)were taken without family authorization by John Hopkins to begin series of research which led to the discovery of chemotherapy treatment,polio vaccines, discovery of the exact number of human chromosomes, cloning just to mention a few.
The profits from these drugs i.e polio vaccines,IVF industry, genetics, chemotherapy treatment of cancer are known direct result of Hella cells, this are multimillion industry now.
Scientist benefitted by using Hela cells to resolve age long mysteries and problems,fact finding on human chromosomes , space exploration etc
Corporation like the fertility and pharmaceutical companies produced and sells drugs produced through research on Hela cells .
The lackies eventual discovery of the unauthorized use of Henrietta cells led to claims for the family.also cancer patients now have succour through chemotherapy which was discovered through Hela cells, infertility is now resolved through IVF ,all thanks to research on Hela