Early 20th Century popular songs such as "Red Red Robin" and "Carolina Moon" were part of themusical repertoire of young...
Paul, who played these melodies on saxophone and clarinet
John, who picked out these melodies on the acoustic guitar
Paul, who sang them and played piano at family events
John, who sang them at the piano at church functions
Paul, who sang them while accompanying himself on the banjo

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The answer is "Paul, who sang them and played piano at family events".


In the 1920s, Paul's father had his own jazz band, and Paul always wanted to make some of those old songs that he used to sing along with his parents on New Year's Eve. Paul argues that he never learned to play them, since they were pretty complicated, all he did was sing them in family songs. Paul comments that when his father grew older he became the family pianist, but remember that only his father knew the real chords of those songs.