
Case #1: Lynch v. Donnelly

The facts:

Given your understanding of the establishment clause,

what argument could the group have made?

The city of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, displayed a crèche

(nativity Scene) every year as part of its Christmas


The scene was accompanied by a sign that read,

"Season's Greetings."

A group sued the city, arguing that the crèche was a

religious symbol of Christmas.

Its members argued that the crèche violated the

establishment clause of the First Amendment.

O The city government was endorsing a religion.

The display respected the beliefs of other religions.

O The city government had the right to free exercise

of religion

O The display did not stop people from observing

other religious practices

Respuesta :


The argument the group should have made is that since based on the establishment clause it is illegal for the government to promote or enforce religious activity using tax money and also that why would the creche be placed only during Christmas period why not during some other period of the year.


The Establishment Clause: is a limitation placed upon the United States Congress preventing it from passing legislation forcing an establishment of religion, broadly making it illegal for the government to promote theocracy or promote a specific religion with taxes.

Answer: the city government was endorsing a religion.
