Respuesta :
Following are the program in C++ language
#include <iostream> // header file
using namespace std; // namespace
int search(int s[],int s1,int n) // function search
for (int k= 0; k<n; k++) // iterating over the loop
if (s[k] == s1) // searching the element
return(k); // return the index
return(-1); // return(-1)
int main() // main function
int arr[100],n1,i,s; // variable declaration
cout<<"Enter number you want in the array:";
cout<<"Enter the elements in the array\n ";
for (i = 0; i<n1; i++)
cin>>arr[i]; // taking input into the array
cout<<"Enter a number you want to search: ";
cin>>s; // read the serach element by the user
int res= search(arr,s,n1); // calling function search
cout<<res; // display result
return 0;
Enter number you want in the array:3
Enter the elements in the array
Enter a number you want to search: 2
Following are the description of the program
- Read the number you want in array in the "n1" variable of int type.
- Read the array by the user in the "arr ".
- Read the searching element in the "s" variable.
- calling the function search by passing array arr, searching element "s" and "n1".
- In the search function, it returns the index of its position in the array, if not found then it return -1.
- Finally print the index.