The correct option is letter d. Maitre Malandain lies in order to cause trouble for Maitre Hauchecorne.
Maitre Hauchecorne and his enemy, Maitre Malandain, are characters in the short story "A Piece of String", by Guy de Maupassant. M. Hauchecorne and M. Malandain do not like each other ever since a business deal between the two failed. M. Hauchecorne is a poor man and quite the hoarder, picking up and taking home everything he thinks might be useful later. One day, he picks up a simple piece of string and puts it in his pocket, all the while being watched by M. Malandain. Coincidently, that same day, a man loses his pocket-book full of money. M. Malandain quickly tells the Mayor that it was M. Hauchecorne who stole it, that he saw him do it. It is a lie; M. Malandain knew it was just a piece of string. But he wants to cause his enemy trouble. Unfortunately, M. Hauchecorne is greatly affected by this lie. He falls sick and dies, even though someone returns the pocket-book.