Value Added = Value of Output - Intermediate Consumption = Final Goods . Value
This can be explained with an example:
A produces flour & sells it to Grocer for Rs 100. Grocer produces Wheat & sells it to Baker for Rs 150. Baker produces bread & sells it to Consumers for Rs 200.
Value of Final Product (Used by end consumers) i.e Bread = Rs 200.
However if considering total Value Of Output including all value added at each stage = 100 + 150 + 200 = 450. This is Overestimated value of Final product Bread, because of 'Double Counting' - Grocer's wheat includes the intermediate good (good purchased for further resale/reprocessing) value of flour and Baker's bread includes value of Wheat & flour intermediate products both.
This problem can be solved by: Calculating Value Added (by subtracting intermediate consumption) at each stage & then summing it to get the Final good value.
In this case: Farmer's Value Added = VO - IC = Flour Value - 0 = 100 .
Grocer's Value Added = VO - IC = Wheat - Flour Value = 150 - 100 = 50
Baker's Value Added = VO - IC = Bread - Wheat Value = 200 - 150 = 50
Adding value added by all these 3 we get , 150 + 50 + 50 = 200 i.e equal to final good bread value 200.