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The Roman Goddess Libertas.


Libertas, being a Roman Goddess, is also liberty personified in Roman lore. She can trace her establishment to the very founding of the Roman Republic. She has been associated with freedom and liberty ever since her establishment, most famously, on the Great Seal of France, and being the main inspiration for the statue of liberty.


The Roman Goddess Libertas.


Most people know some facts about the sculpture. Gifted by France, her home is on Liberty Island, she is made of copper - but many are unaware that she will represent the Libertus, the Roman goddess of freedom. On July 4, 1776, holding a bullet, writing on it the Roman numerals and the torch of liberty, was a fitting representation of the ideas presented by the Libertas founders. Today, millions of tourists are following in the footsteps of this high statue, and it is still serving as a symbol of freedom and independence throughout the world.