Match the correct word and definition.
Each word is used only one time so make the best choice for each.

1. made observations about the rocks, most changes on earth happen slowly, so the earth must be very old. Used direct observation.

2. helped develop the principle of fossil correlation; developed a stratigraphic map of England and Wales.

3. specific groups of organisms have followed, or succeeded, one another in a definite sequence through Earth's history

4. the geological processes taking place on Earth today are the same as those of the past and can be used to explain past geological events

William Smith

James Hutton

Principle of Faunal Succession


Respuesta :


1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D


1. A William Smith made observations about the rocks, most changes on earth happen slowly, so the earth must be very old. Used direct observation.

2. B James Hutton helped develop the principle of fossil correlation; developed a stratigraphic map of England and Wales.

3. C   Principle of Faunal Succession : states that specific groups of organisms have followed, or succeeded, one another in a definite sequence through Earth's history

4. D Uniformitarianism refers to the geological processes taking place on Earth today are the same as those of the past and can be used to explain past geological events