In which case did the u.S. Supreme court determine that the federal government did not overstep its bounds under the commerce clause when it enacted the controlled substances act of 1970?

Respuesta :



Gonzales v. Raich


Raich and Manson, both from Califonia, sues the Govenmnt in October 2002 to prevent Government from interfering in their rights to grow and use Marijuana, that was said to be medicinal. They also claimed that the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) was not constitutional as used in their conduct.  

Raich said she used Marijuana to remain alive since she was allergic to most prescription drugs. Manson in her own account, said she used marijuana to take off spinal pains she suffered. Manson’s Mairjuana plants were destroyed by the men of the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency.  

The claimed in their suit that the Categorical prohibition by the CSA as applicable to the intrastate manufacture and possession of marijuana for medical purposes was beyond the authority of the congress under the commerce clause and should not be used to persecute them. The courts turned down their stands and rightly affirmed that the prohibition by the federal government was done under the constitutional authority of the congress.