Herec and Sher were destined to be friends. Although Herec came from a family with means to spare, he
never let it show in front of his friend Sher. The boys always learned from each other and grew up content. Sher
never felt conscious about being raised by parents who had two full-time jobs. He had learned early in his life to
understand the value of things. Friendship with Herec was one of them.
One fine Tuesday afternoon, Sher was coming out of the locker room when a group of boys surrounded him.
Sher knew these types of guys—they had no power except for empty words, and all they wanted was to see a
boy get scared. Sher greeted the boys and walked toward the door. He ignored the taunts and the insults about
his humble appearance and modest clothes. Just as he reached the door, Herec walked in to the locker room. It
was understood from Herec's red ears and cheeks that he had heard the caustic words thrown at his friend.
"Don't you ever insult my friend again," Herec slowly released these words from his shaking mouth. "Just
because he ignores these words does not mean they don't hurt." He was pointing his finger toward the tallest
guy in the room.
The leader of the bullying boys looked at Sher in disbelief. The guy could not comprehend how a tall and
intimidating person like Sher was friends with a puny-looking boy like Herec. Well, whoever has the most
influential father, I guess, the bully thought to himself.

The author describes Herec and Sher by using

Cause and effect
chronological order
question and answer
compare and contrast​