Respuesta :
The answer is option 2. Contraction of the ciliary muscles.
The ciliary muscles surround and hold the lens in place. The ciliary muscle is a essential part of the eye that contribute to vision. They control near and far vision. In near (i.e to see closer object) vision they contract to thicken the lens (relaxes to a more curved shape). This increases the refractory power to accomodate for viewing of close object.
Answer: Option 2.
Accommodation of near vision requires the contraction of ciliary muscles.
Accommodation is the ability of the eye to adjust it optics thereby focus clear image of the objects on retina at various distance. Accommodation of near vision requires contraction of ciliary muscles. The lens is responsible for accommodation. The lens focuses light rays on retina. The ciliary muscle contract and make the lens to change shape, there by causing objects to appear real or cause accommodation of near vision.