Common stock such as ordinary share implies the holder has shares of ownership in a company. The holders of common stock are entitled to dividend which a share of profit of the company and the also enjoy voting rights. Common stock usually performs better than other financial investment like bonds and preferred shares and has the biggest potential for long-term gains. However, the gain usually fluctuates because will only rise if the company perform well, but the gain will fall if the performance of the company is poor. Common stocks are usually purchased through brokerages.
However, a derivative is a financial security that derives its value from an underlying asset (e.g. common stock) or group of assets (also known as a benchmark). The derivative is a contract between two or more parties and its price depends on the change in the underlying asset. Examples of underlying assets for derivatives are stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, and among others. It is possible to buy or dell derivatives over-the-counter (OTC) or on an exchange.