Classify the following data. Indicate whether the data is qualitative or quantitative, indicate whether the data is discrete, continuous, or neither, and indicate the level of measurement for the data.The number of days traveled last month by 100100 randomly selected employees.Are these data qualitative or quantitative? O A. Qualitative B. Quantitative Are these data discrete or continuous? A. Discrete B. Continuous C. Neither What is the highest level of measurement the data possesses? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

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Step-by-step explanation:

The number of days traveled by randomly selected employees is a quantitative variable because it can be presented meaningful numerical form and further the number of days traveled by randomly selected employees are discrete because the number of days can be counted. Now, the level of measurement for the variable "number of days traveled by employees" is  ratio scale because it has a meaningful zero. Meaningful zero in this case will means that none of the day is spent on travelling.