Basidiomycetes are the only fungal group capable of synthesizing lignin peroxidase. What advantage does this group of fungi have over other fungi because of this capability?

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Bascidomycytes are one of the two large divisions within the fungi kingdom.


Bascidomycetes:- Bascidomycytes are one of the two large divisions within the fungi kingdom. they include certain groups such as mushrooms, puffballs, bracket fungi, jelly fungi etc.they are named so becuase these class fungi produce their basidia and basidiospores on or in a basidiocarp. The general life cycle of bascidomycetes is represented with the help of mushroom life cycle because they have close resemblances.

Advantages of Bascidomycetes

  1. Producing multiple spores externally considered to be the distinct feature of this class of fungi
  2. They posses two different extracellular enzyme responsible for the following:-  polysaccharide degradation, consisting mainly of xylanases and cellulases, degradation of  lignin and opens phenyl rings, consisting of laccases, ligninases, and peroxidases.
  3. The ability of this class of fungi to dergade lignocellulose makes it  a useful and potential component for ethanol production
  4. ligninolytic system in bascidomycetes helps in  degrading a wide range of xenobiotic compounds.