D. John Lennon
A. George Harrison
He was the lead guitarist of the Beatles. He only met Elvis twice and from your question, George lacked quick temper and was sometimes labeled as "a sweet guy".
B. Ringo Starr
He gained international fame and popularity as a drummer for the Beatles. Although Ringo admitted Elvis changed his life, and also flew with his wife to Las Vegas in 1970 to meet Elvis,
C. Paul McCartney
Sir Paul McCartney gained worldwide fame as co-lead vocalist and bassist for the Beatles. His songwriting partnership with John Lennon remains the most successful in history. Paul McCartney is often called a workaholic and had a cool temper, and had no prior frustrations.
D. John Lennon
"Nothing affected me until I heard Elvis. Without Elvis, there would be no Beatles", says John Lennon. John was also known to have a very volatile temper, that his son Sean had to be rushed to hospital as a young boy to repair his damaged hearing.
E. George Martin
Sir George Henry Martin is often referred to as the fifth Beatle in reference to his extensive involvement on each of the Beatles' original albums. He was more of a producer and not the most inspired follower of Elvis Presley.