International trade is trade across national boundaries and it includes the import and export of goods and services. An economic prosperity is synonymous with rising incomes and it would increase the propensity to import; that is, people in the domestic economy now have more incomes to spend on imports. Alternatively, a recession would lead to a fall in incomes and imports, and also a fall in investment which conseqeuntly reduces exports volumes.
Trade restrictions (protectionism) such as tariffs, quotas, competitive devaluation, administrative complexities, export subsidy hinder free trade and they could reduce the volume of imports into a country. This is because trade restrictions would make imports to be more expensive; the aim might be that the government is trying to correct a current account deficit. However, the effectiveness of trade restrictions in reducing import volumes and influening export is dependent on the price elasiticty of demand for imports and exports, the quality of a country's good or service, and how the country's rate of inflation compares with that of other countries.