Rabbits, turtles, fish, humans, and whales all share certain characteristics but also differ from each other. All of these species have cells with nuclei. Other characteristics that all of these organisms share is the fact that they must consume plants and/or other organisms to get their energy.
A. What level(s) of classification do all of these organisms share?

Respuesta :

The levels of organisation are

Domain: Eukarya

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum :Chordata


They all share these levels of organisation because;

for  the Domain Eukarya, they have;

→multi-cellular cells containing   nucleus; and  other membrane bound organelle.e.g Mitochondrial.

→their  DNA located in the   nucleus  packaged as linear chromosomes bounded by histone proteins.

→mode of reproduction which is  sexual.

They share Kingdom Animalia because;

→they have multi-cellular, specialised cells, bounded by plasma membranes.

→they have specialized  tissues, organs, and system.

→they all undergo heterotrophic mode of nutrition as evident in the question 'that they must consume plants and animals as source of energy'

→they exchanged communication by nervous ssytem and

→ use homeostatic mechanisms to regulate water balance of the body through the kidney.

→Humans,Rabbits,and whales are VIVIPAROUS; they give birth to young ones alive.

→Most fishes lay eggs to reproduce, they are said to be Ovoviviparous.

They belong to phylum Chordata because ;

→they  all have noto chord; which serve as template for axial skeleton.

dorsal hollow nerve cord -template for the brain and spinal cord

→pharyngeal slits- templates for gill aches in bony fishes and components of inner ear in land animals.

→ tail length varies  in these organisms.