A. psychodynamic
The theory of psychodynamics argues that behavior is the consequence of psychological forces inherent in the individual that occurs outside of consciousness. The psychodynamic theory adduces 5 propositions they are.
1. That we behave unconsciously
2. Conflicts arise in our mind
3. Personality begins to be formed by early childhood experiences.
4. The way we think about ourselves influences how we socialize with others.
5. Having a developed personality influences how we handle sexual or aggressive feelings if we are dependent instead of independent
The psychodynamic orientation in the field of mental health follows a line that includes psychoanalytic thinking, based on the fact that the act of conduct is always an act with meaning and purpose, regardless of whether or not the subject possesses knowledge of same. The methodology derived from this conception points, consequently, to the exploration and objectification of that internal world of which the subject has no knowledge, considering the inadvertent or unconscious behavior as an essential component of it, precisely because it is considered to be the unconscious which gives meaning and support to manifest behavior. This objective marks the difference that distinguishes it from other methodologies, which treat the inadvertent components of behavior in a more marginal way.