Max $ 168,750, Sherry $ 180,000 Duane $ 101,250
The total profit is considered as 100 %
Max share is 3/8 or expressed as a %: 3/8*100 = 37.5 %
Sherry share is 2/5 or expressed as a % 2/5*100 = 40 %
Duane share is 100 % - 37.5 % (Max share) - 40 % (Sherry share) = 22.5 %
The allocation fo profits of % 450,000 is distributed as follows:
Max $ 450,000 * 37.5 % = $ 168,750
Sherry $ 450,000 * 40 % = $ 180,000
Duane $ 450,000 * 22.5 % = $ 101,250