Selena needs to insert a comment in a webpage's code to ensure that other web team members who work with the page code understand the nature of her changes. she wants to insert a comment that reads as follows:
Modified by selena ramirez - for html compliance selena wants this page to validate as html5 without any warnings or errors. She does not want the comment to appear to users when the page is displayed in a browser. Which line of code will achieve these two goals, assuming no other errors exist on the page?

Respuesta :


<!-- Modified by selena ramirez - for html compliance -->


In HTML, <!-- .. --> tag is used to insert comments in the webpage code.

Comments written inside the tag is visible only on the code, and is not displayed in the browsers when the page is requested by the client computer.

Comment tag is useful when there is a lot of code and multiple developers are dealing with the same code.

Comments help developers understand what changed is made and why.