The research method used by Wilhelm Wundt in which volunteers were taught to carefully observe, analyze, and describe their own sensations, mental images, and emotional reactions is called _______________.

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trained introspection


Introspection is an act of self-consciousness that involves thinking and analyzing your own thoughts and behaviors, being one of the defining characteristics of the human being. We are naturally curious about ourselves. We repeat our own experiences and actions in the hope of understanding who and how we are, but the term is also used to refer to an experimental technique that consists in analyzing our own thoughts and feelings in a structured and rigorous way. Therefore, when we talk about introspection, we can be talking about the informal process of reflecting on oneself or the formal method used in experimental research in psychology many years ago.

The first meaning of introspection is that most people are probably more familiar with. This is the process that involves informally examining our own inner feelings and thoughts. When we reflect on our thoughts, emotions and memories and examine what they mean, we are doing introspection.

The second meaning would be a research technique developed by Wilhelm Wundt, also known as experimental self-observation. This technique consisted of training people in the most systematic and objective way possible to analyze the content of their own thoughts.