Respuesta :
1) stretch goal
2) (a) the environment is a dynamic one, and department and frontline managers can come up with more responsive plans than can central leadership.
(d) when managers come up with their own plans, they are likely to be more committed to following through on them.
1) A stretch goal is a radical, ambitious goal that aims to drastically change (improve) certain KPIs and outcomes in the organization. Usually these goals are deemed as impossible. However, their ultimate cause is not to actually be reachable, but to provide great motivation for employees. Since Alcoa has had substantial accidents in the past, a genuine stretch goal is to have zero workplace accidents.
2) This example demonstrated the debate and choice between centralizing decision power on the one hand, or distributing it across the organization on the other hand. Doing the latter has some benefits. The first one is related to responsiveness, as front-line managers would lose a lot of time when communicating a certain problem to senior managers. They would tackle problems more quickly if they had the decision power. Additionally, when they do have the power to make decisions, they are more likely to stick to created plans and strategies.