What is a cross-sectional study?
Cross-sectional studies are based on observation and gathering information about a particular group of people in particular point in time.
The advantage of this study is it is cost effective and can be quickly done.
What is a case-control study?
Case-control studies are observational studies but which work with background information of that subject that is being studied , and people with similar characteristics are matched with those who doesn't
The downfall is that subjects of the study have to recall their past information which may be hard to do and it depends on whether they are being truthful but it is still also cost effective and can be down as quickly as possible.
.Which is the superior observational study? Why?
Neither study is always the superior to the other. Both have advantages and disadvantages that depend on the situation.
Both studies are inexpensive and can be done relatively quickly. A case-control study is limited in that it requires individuals to recall information correctly, and to answer questions truthfully. A cross-sectional study is limited in that it only gives information at a specific point in time or over a very short period of time, and might not contain valuable information that occurs outside of that point in time.