Respuesta :
# User is prompted to enter the number of floor in hotel
# The received value is assigned to no_of_floor
no_of_floor = int(input("Enter the number of floor in the hotel."))
# This loop is to enforce that user input is not less than 1
while (no_of_floor < 1):
no_of_floor = int(input("Enter the number of floor in the hotel."))
# counter variable is initialized to loop through the no_of_floor
counter = 1
# total number of rooms occupied in the hotel is initialized to 0
total_occupied = 0
# total number of rooms vacant in the hotel is initialized to 0
total_vacant = 0
# total number of rooms in the hotel is initialized to 0
total_room = 0
# loop through each floor
while counter <= no_of_floor:
# number of room in a floor is received from user
number_of_room = int(input("Enter the number of room in floor: "))
# this loop ensure that the number must not be less than 10
while (number_of_room < 10):
number_of_room = int(input("Enter the number of room in floor "))
# number of occupied room is a floor is accepted from user
number_of_occupied = int(input("Enter the number of occupied room."))
# this loop ensure that the no_of_occupied is less than no_of_room
while (number_of_occupied > number_of_room):
number_of_occupied = int(input("Enter the number of occupied room."))
# number of vacant room in a floor is calculated
floor_vacant = number_of_room - number_of_occupied
# total number of occupied room is calculated
total_occupied += number_of_occupied
# total room in the hotel is calculated
total_room += number_of_room
# total number of vacant room is calculated
total_vacant += floor_vacant
# the counter is increment to move to the next floor
counter += 1
# occupancy_rate is calculated as a percentage
occupancy_rate = (total_occupied / total_room) * 100
# Number of total room is displayed
print("The total number of room in the hotel is: ", total_room)
# Number of total vacant room is displayed
print("The number of vacant room in the hotel is: ", total_vacant)
# Number of total occupied room is displayed
print("The total number of occupied room in the hotel is: ", total_occupied)
# The occupancy rate for the hotel is displayed to 2 decimal
# place percent
print("The occupancy rate for the hotel is: {:.2f}%".format(occupancy_rate))
The program is well commented. It put all the constraint into consideration like:
- not allowing a user to enter less than 1 for number of floors
- not allowing a user to enter less than 10 for number of rooms in a floor
- not allowing a user to enter number of occupied room greater than number of room in a floor.