You need to compose a message to your department explaining that your company is being acquired by a larger company, and you know this news will not be received well by a number of employees. You begin the message with the facts. Then you present an explanation of the situation by focusing on the benefits to the employees.What techniques should you use to cushion the bad news?A. Position the bad news strategically between other sentences.B. Position bad news at the end of the paragraph.C. Accentuate the positive.D. Organize the bad news using bullet points.

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The correct answer is letter "A" and "C": Position the bad news strategically between other sentences.; Accentuate the positive.


The objective of the message must be to provide the benefits over the disadvantages of the company being acquired by a large firm. The disadvantages can be provided in between sentences to rest importance but the advantages must be highlighted at every moment to give a positive impression of the acquisition to the employees.