Shall I go?" were the words which would have issued from her pretty lips, one day, a week later (had she been in the habit of talking to herself), as she finished reading a long and chatty letter inviting her to "come away North, and spend the holidays," and concluding with these words: "We are fifty miles from everywhere, and our roads are splendid, so you had better bring your bicycle, or velocipede, or whatever it is you ride to the horror and confusion of Auntie." What inference about women in this culture can be made from the excerpt? Historically, women in this culture were expected to be athletic. Historically, women in this culture had difficultly making decisions. Historically, women in this culture did not participate in sports. Historically, women in this culture did not spend holidays in the South.

Respuesta :

Historically, women in this culture did not participate in sports.

Answer: Option 3.


The women in the society in the past were not given much freedom and liberty. They were always dominated by the male members in the society. It was known as the society dominated by the males. Even in today's date, the women in some corners of the world are dominated by men.

The women could not take decisions very easily even if that decision as related to her own personal life. The decision might be regarding her profession, education, her hobbies or anything. They were not even allowed to take part in the sports.


"Should I go?" she asked herself when she finished reading the long text message from her friend. The text invited her to come spend the holiday up North.
