Respuesta :
Answer is explained below
Part A -:
Error statement -:
prog.cpp: In function ‘void p(const int*, int)’:
prog.cpp:7:15: error: assignment of read-only location ‘* list’
list[0] = 100;
There is one error in the code in following part
void p( const int list[], int arraySize)
list[0] = 100;
you are passing list as constant but changing it inside the function that is not allowed. if you pass any argument as const then you can't change it inside the function. so remove const from function argument solve the error.
Part B -:
change made
void p( int list[], int arraySize)
list[0] = 100;
Executable fully commented code -:
#include <iostream> // importing the iostream library
using namespace std;
void m(int, int []); // Function declearation of m
void p( int list[], int arraySize) // definition of Function p
list[0] = 100; // making value of first element of list as 100
int main()
int x = 1; // initilizing x with 1
int y[10]; // y is a array of 10 elements
y[0] = 1; // first element of y array is 1
m(x, y); // call m function
// printing the desired result
cout << "x is " << x << endl;
cout << "y[0] is " << y[0] << endl;
return 0;
void m(int number, int numbers[]) // Function definition of m
number = 1001; // value of number is 1001 locally
numbers[0] = 5555; // making value of first element of numbers array 5555
Part C :-
In program we initilize x with value 1 and create an array y of 10 elements.
we initilize the y[0] with 1\
then we call function m. In function m ,first argument is value of x and second argument is the pointer to the first element of array y.
so value of x is changed locally in function m and change is not reflected in main function.
but value of y[0] is changed to 5555 because of pass by refrence.
So we are getting the following result :-
x is 1
y[0] is 5555