Create a balance sheet for the opening day of your company in the format below. Use your best estimates, but it doesn't have to be exact. Keep the section headings (Assets, Liabilities, and so on), but replace the specific information with your company's information. (4.0 points)

Respuesta :


See explanation section below


A balance should like the following format (Using hypothetical data)

"XXX" Company < The name of your company

Balance Sheet

As of December 31, 2019 < It should be the opening day of 2020 of your company


Current Assets

Cash                              XXXXX

Accounts Receivable     XXXX

Supplies                          XXXX

Inventory                         XXXX

Prepaid expenses            XXX

Accrued revenues           XXX

Total current assets (Add cash to accrued revenues to get total current assets)

Non-current assets (Fixed assets)

Tangible assets (Equipment, building, land, and machine)

Less: Accumulated depreciation - tangible assets

Intangible assets (Goodwill and patent)                          

Less: Impairment

Total Non-current assets (Fixed assets)

Total assets (Add total current assets and non-current assets)

Liabilities and Stockholders' equity

Current liabilities

Accounts payable

Unearned revenue

Bank Overdraft

Accrued expenses

Salaries/wages/interest payable

Total current liabilities

Long-term liabilities (Notes payable, bonds payable)

Total liabilities

Stockholders' equity

Common stock

Retained earnings

Total stockholders' equity

Total Liabilities and Stockholders' equity

This is how we can build up a balance sheet