We will pass in 2 values, X and Y. You should calculate XY XY and output only the final result. You will probably know that XY XY can be calculated as X times itself Y times. # Get X and Y from the command line:import sysX= int(sys.argv[1])Y= int(sys.argv[2])# Your code goes here

Respuesta :


import sys

# The value of the second argument is assigned to X

x = int(sys.argv[1])

# The value of the third argument is assigned to Y

y = int(sys.argv[2])

# The result of multiplication of x and y is assigned to 'result'

result = x * y

#The value of the result is displayed to the user

print("The result of multiplying ", x, "and ", y, "is", result)


First we import sys which allow us to read the argument passed when running the program. The argument is number starting from index 0; the name of the python file been executed is sys.argv[0] which is the first argument. The second argument is sys.argv[1] and the third argument is sys.argv[2].

The attached file is named multplyxy (it wasn't  saved as py file because the platform doesn't recognise py file); we can execute it by running: python3 multiplyxy.py 10 23

where x will be 10 and y will be 23.

To run the attached file; it content must be saved as a py file: multiplyxy.py