) Continuing on Problem 1, assume a strain gage was bonded to the cylinder wall surface in the direction of the axial strain. The strain gage has nominal resistance R0 and a Gage Factor GF. It is connected in a Wheatstone bridge configuration where all resistors have the same nominal resistance; the bridge has an input voltage Vin. (The strain gage is bonded and the Wheatstone bridge balanced before the vessel is pressurized.) Develop an expression for the voltage change ∆V across the bridge when cylinder is pressurized to ∆P

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See attached document


Entire process for deriving the asked expression dV across the bridge as function of dP is illustrated in the attachment below.

The document gives a step-by step process for arriving at the expression. However, manipulation of algebraic equations is skipped for the conciseness of the document.

It also gives the expression for the case when all resistors have different nominal values.

Ver imagen shahnoorazhar3