
changedQuestion 1 with 1 blank

You answered(blank) varios idiomas en esta clínica.
changedQuestion 2 with 1 blank

You answered comida sana en este restaurante.
changedQuestion 3 with 1 blank

You answered(blank) fumar en la sala de espera.
changedQuestion 4 with 1 blank

You answered(blank) ejercicio para estar saludable.
changedQuestion 5 with 1 blank

You answered(blank) operaciones de rodilla.
changedQuestion 6 with 1 blank

You answered(blank) más doctores en este hospital.

Respuesta :


  • Prohíbe.
  • Hablan.
  • Come.
  • Necesita.
  • Practican.
  • Necesitan.


  • prohibir

Se prohíbe fumar en la sala de espera.

  • Hablar

Se hablan varios idiomas en esta clínica.

  • comer

Se come comida sana en este restaurante.

  • Necesitar

Se necesita ejercicio para estar saludable

  • Practicar

Se practican operaciones de rodilla.

  • Necesitar

Se necesitan más doctores en este hospital.


  • Prohíbe = Prohibit
  • Hablan = They speak.
  • Come = Eat.
  • Necesita= Needs.
  • Practican = They practice.
  • Necesitan = They need.


"Se" is a personal pronoun that has no gender, no number, and is used to call things, animals or people.

For example:

"Se lastimó"

As the example indicates, no one is specifically mentioned, nor of their gender, but does specify that someone is injured.

When "N" is added at the end of the verb, it indicates that it is speaking in the plural

For example:

"Se lastiman"

I hope this information can help you.