Think about Sigmund Freud's view of children and contrast it with that of his daughter, Anna, and later neo-analytic theorists. How did each distinguish the psychology of adults from that of children in terms of the id and the ego?

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Explanation: Certain internal psychological conflict is a characteristics of each stage of personality development. This theory claims interactions among the components of the mind- id, ego, and super ego shapes human behaviour. ID explains who we are and we would have two instincts which would either be Eros or Thanatos. Ego emphasizes that no one like to let go and super ego-morals and values. Personality development starts at childhood and is properly shaped through a series of five psychosexual stages. Freud calls this psychosexual theory of development. During every stage, a child is presented with a conflict between biological drives and social expectations. Mastery of each developmental stage is by navigating through internal conflict, and ultimately become a mature personality. The child is presented with different conflicts in between these stages. Biological drives and their social and moral conscience are example of internal conflict because their biological pleasure-seeking urges focus on different areas of the body. The future ability to cope and function as an adult is dependent on the child's ability to resolve internal conflict.