Martavis is wondering whether extrasensory perception (ESP) really exists. If he is using the steps of critical thinking, what is the first thing he should ask himself?

Respuesta :


"What am I being asked to accept or believe about ESP?"  


Extrasensory perception occurs independently. It is also called the sensory process. Extrasensory perception includes telepathy, clairvoyance, thought perception, etc. It is related to the prediction about the future and preconception about a thing that is going to happen.

It is a very old ancient time phenomenon that people are using. It also includes card reading, tarot cards, astrology, etc. People use these cards by telling their hidden meanings that predict the future vice and virtues coming in the life of a person. But here many of the psychologist who does not believe in this extrasensory perception. They have doubts about it.