The Kurt Lewin Model: Defines change as a modification of the forces that maintain the behavior of a stable system.
Which is the product of two types of forces that help to make the change (F. Drivers) and those that prevent change from occurring (F restrictive) that want to maintain the same state of the organization.
When both forces are balanced, the levels of behavior are maintained and a quasi-stationary equilibrium is achieved according to Lewin. To modify it you can increase the forces that cause the change or decrease the forces that prevent it or change both tactics. Lewin proposes a three-phase plan to carry out the planned change
Defrosting: involves reducing the forces that keep the organization at its current level of behavior.
Change or movement: It consists of moving towards a new state or new level within the organization with respect to behavior patterns and habits, behaviors and attitudes.
Recongelación: The organization is stabilized in a new state of equilibrium where culture, norms, policies and organizational structure are used.