Suppose you're working as a salesperson and one of your prospects tells you they are interested in your product because it is the one best suited for performing a particular task. Which of the following needs is the buyer expressing?

Respuesta :

a. Situational needs

b. Functional needs

c. Social needs

d. Psychological needs

e. Knowledge needs


b. Psychological needs


-Situational needs are the ones that are related to the customer's environment, place and time.

-Functional needs are the basic ones people need to be able to live.

-Social needs refer to the need people have to relate to the others.

-Psychological needs refer to things pople need for their well-being and being able to function properly.

-Knowledge needs refers to the ones related to learning new things.

According to this, the need the buyer is expressing is a psychological need because your prospect says that they are interested in the product because it is the one best suited for a particular task. The prospect could be able to buy a similar product from someone else but as they consider this as the best one, buying it will make them feel good.