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Classic Model
Classical economists brought the view of market economy for the most effective solution of economic problems. They advocated that economic problems would be solved spontaneously and within the framework of the possibilities, if the rules of the market economy were followed, and they defined the state as a unit that operates in a limited area and does not interfere with the economy.
Classical economists argued that the economy would automatically stabilize at full employment level under conditions of full competition.
The basis of the classical model is the assumption that the economic units are rational. Consumers try to maximize their benefits, while manufacturers try to maximize their profits. Classical economists argue that the state should not interfere with the economy. Because, according to the classics, the economy will always be fully employed and the general level of prices will always make a certain level of decision. The state does not need to get involved in the economy in order to reach full employment and to get rid of excessive price movements such as inflation and deflation. The "invisible hand" in the economy provides spontaneous full employment and price stability.
The basic assumptions of classical economic theory are as follows;
- Full competition conditions apply in the economy.
- Fees, interest rates and commodity prices are flexible.
- Each supply creates its own demand. (Say's Law)
- In the economy, money is demanded only for trading purposes, money is neutral. Money supply only affects the absolute price level, not relative (relative) prices and the real economy.
The classic model was popular before the Great Depression. It was said the economy was developing freely and that prices and wages were adjusted according to the time-consuming ups and downs. In other words, when times are good, wages and prices are rising rapidly, and when times are bad, wages and prices are set free. The main assumption of this model is that the economy is always in full employment, that is, everyone who wants to work is fully trained and able to work from all sources. Classical economists believe that the economy is self-adjusting, meaning that no one needs help in the event of recession. This is a Classic Model.