Answer to this Question is Behavior
The psycho-dynamic perspective states that behavior is motivated by inner forces, memories, and conflicts that are generally beyond people's awareness and control.
Yes, its very much true, according to psycho-dynamic perspective human behavior is shaped and formed by many forces which he or she him or herself in not aware of because there are many factors acting behind it at unconscious level. Human behavior is the final result of its memory which he or she has develop with the passage of time, by spending his life. Behavior is the reflection of human's conflicts which he is having with different other shares of life. For example, in one's childhood, a kid was terrified by an unknown stranger who came to their house to sell something. It can happen that, in his later life, if that kid come across another person of the same facial features or he find any kind of resembles of that person with the person from his childhood. Most likely that kid tend to hate that person as well, although that person has not done or cause any harm to him but at sub-conscious level that kid has develop some hardness for him that's why he will behave in this particular way, even without knowing why he behaved in that specific way. Therefore, human behavior is sometimes not known by themselves as well that why they reacted a particular incidence or person in some particular way.